Our expertise
advisory services
for your global business

export finance transactions

Our clients are project developers, exporters or importers of goods and services. All of them are working on technically complex projects around the globe which require multi-country sourcing of equipment, know-how and implementation power. The sourcing composition will be a key aspect for the development of a professional financial concept commercially acceptable to financiers.
exficon is your solution! We will be delighted to develop the optimal financing structure with and for you and to prepare tailor-made documents in order to obtain various bank financing offers for your project. Your greatest benefit is complete cost transparency and advice independent from banks and financing institutions.
Especially if your project is sourced from German and European suppliers of goods and services, well-proven financing solutions can be combined innovatively. We would be more than happy to accompany you whenever you need to negotiate the preferred financing solution on an equal footing with selected bank or financing institution.
Are you frequently asked for competent financing advice by your foreign customer? Or would you like to increase your export market share – perhaps in exotic countries? exficon offers specific, project related advice and assistance when structuring a distribution channel which might help your customers to obtain favorable financing and which will open the way for you to significantly increase your sales – without your assuming any payment risks.
project finance transactions

Our clients are international project developers working on technically complex projects around the globe – mainly in the infrastructure and (renewable) energy sector. The projects often require multi-country sourcing of equipment, know-how and implementation power. The sourcing composition will be a key aspect for the development of a professional financial concept commercially acceptable to financiers. Many projects are nowadays realized as public private partnerships (PPPs) over a concession period of up to 30 years and require a project finance approach which even increases the complexity.
exficon is your solution! We will be delighted to develop the best-suited project finance structure with and for you and to prepare the information memorandum and the financial model covering all necessary aspects of due diligence for making the project presentable to and bankable for various banks and financing institutions. Your greatest benefit is complete cost transparency and advice independent from banks and financing institutions.
Especially if the implementation of your project finance transaction contains sourcing elements from Germany and / or Europe, well-proven financing solutions can be combined innovatively. We would be more than happy to accompany you whenever you need to negotiate the preferred financing solution on an equal footing with selected bank or financing institution.
our features

Our diverse team manages projects in the English, French, German and Spanish language

Our portfolio covers several sectors from infrastructure to energy, from education to microfinance institutions/financial sector and also extends to public administration support.

With more than 15 years of experience in the financial industry, our team provides an excellent network