Our Company
financial advisory
for your global business
exficon offers expert consulting services and innovative financing schemes including the implementation of complex financing structures for your export and project financings. The financial advisory firm based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany is specialized on transactions in emerging economies and developing countries with a strong focus on Africa. Since its incorporation in 2011, exficon’s team has achieved a coverage of 25+ countries across the African continent and other selected countries in South East Asia and the Caucasus region.
In particular small and medium-sized projects are often not “on the radar screen” of banks and financial institutions and require appropriate structuring to make them bankable. Properly tailoring projects to potential financers’ needs substantially facilitates the process leading to the successful conclusion of a financing. exficon supports the bankability of your project and prepares the information memorandum and the project documents in such a way so as to ensure the project’s appeal to potential lenders by conforming as closely as possible to their internal requirements. Finding a common understanding between banks or finance institutions and you, the customer, is of utmost importance.

reverse your position
banks compete
for your project
We would be delighted to find a suitable financing institution for your project. Our large network to both development institutions as well as commercial banks allows us to find the right home for almost any project being presented to us.
Presenting your project to suitable banks or financial institutions creates competition. This will reward you by with competitive terms and conditions. exficon is also happy to support you in negotiating the financing terms – after all we want to make your project a success!